COMPLIANCE is the common denominator that characterises our activity in accordance with the principles that inspire COMETAL’s activity: quality, service, the strictest respect for the regulations that govern us, protection of the environment and transparency.

For COMETAL, this concept does not only imply strict compliance with the legal framework in which our activity is framed, it also entails support for different initiatives that entail a greater guarantee of respect for the principles of Business Ethics, Human Rights and transparency in the sourcing of its supplies, which have been set out in its Code of Business Ethics, its Human Rights Policy and its Statement on «Conflict Free Minerals».

COMETAL’s policies on Quality, Environment, Human Rights, the Code of Business Ethics and the Declaration on Minerals from Countries in Conflict, together with its Occupational Risk Prevention Management System (audited annually by an external manager), form a harmonious framework within which our activity is carried out, always focused on the satisfaction of our customers together with the most rigorous control of the quality of our services and products. COMETAL never accepts any commitment that could pose a risk to the environment, to the prevention of occupational hazards arising from our activity, or to the strictest observance of the applicable legal requirements and our ethical principles.

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