

Our International Activities/EURmetal

Besides our strong presence at the level of the Iberian Peninsula and due to the nature of our business, COMETAL has always maintained a strong international presence and has managed to gather a considerable experience. COMETAL is aware that even many years of experience do not allow to bring the sources of commodities supply closer to global markets without a commitment to support local production activities.

In addition to promoting local raw material production activities through supply and pre-financing agreements, COMETAL has invested in the share capital of a number of mining and industrial companies whose products it markets worldwide.

In order to promote investments in this sector, through EURmetal, it offers its expertise and advice to all players in the value chain from the source to the end customer, thus also establishing a gateway for the financial sector and investors in physical raw materials.


  • Due Diligence/advisory in Metal and Mineral investments.
  • Off-take agreements and trade financing.
  • Co-investment.

» EURmetal presentation.
» EURmetal website.


For decades, COMETAL has maintained close links with the main players in international markets. To enhance our competitive advantage, we encourage both direct investments in raw material sources and the promotion and financing of local production activities at international level, including the signing of off-take agreements and long-term exclusive partnerships to build strong bridges between raw material sources and global markets.

Thanks to this carefully cultivated strategy, COMETAL has an excellent network of global and local contacts and well-established long-term business relationships.  This guarantees us access to raw material sources to meet the individual needs of our end customers quickly and efficiently.

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